"Author visits provide vital opportunities to engage children and young people with literacy." National Literacy Trust, 2023. Read more here.
Illustrator-Author Visits
with Abbey Scott
Bring The World of Hiddel Brock Wood to life with a fun, interactive author reading of What The Oak Tree Sees and/or The Tree That Held The Moon along with tailored activities, ideal for children aged 3-8.
Schools, Forest Schools, Libraries, Bookshops, Book Festivals, and Nature Education Settings etc.
To schedule or discuss a visit contact hiddelbrockwood@gmail.com
Find out more about the books and curriculum links here
Most storytelling and activities are ideally suited to outdoor settings but can also be adapted to indoors.
Visits, events and workshops can be customised for a diverse range of settings. Previous events have taken place at Seven Stories National Centre for Children's Books, National Trust properties, WWT Wetland Centres, RSPB Reserves, No Limits Book Festival, Nature's Edge CIC, Country Parks, Community Gardens, Schools and Forest Schools. Home Ed sessions usually take place in public parks and woodlands.
What to expect
Visits include an immersive storytelling experience:
Introductory talk on woodlands and woodland animals / trees;
Interactive reading of What The Oak Tree Sees and/or
The Tree That Held The Moon;
Extend sessions with an immersive nature connection experience:
I can design tailored activities inspired by the stories, customised to link to events, curriculum, interests, learning objectives or your setting. Or choose from the following sessions:
Creating Stories
These sessions are designed to stimulate imagination and creativity inspired by nature and the Hiddel Brock Wood books.
Indoor session: Following a reading of ‘What The Oak Tree Sees’, I’ll guide the children through creating a new page for the book. Children will choose another woodland animal for their page then we’ll work through the process of researching, writing and illustrating their page; or
Outdoor session: Following a reading of ‘The Tree That Held The Moon’, we’ll explore a tree in your setting. As a group, we’ll discuss, create and tell the story of our tree from tiny seed to present day.
Nature Creativity
These sessions are designed to inspire sustainable play and creativity with natural resources.
Following an interactive reading of ‘What The Oak Tree Sees’ and/or ‘The Tree That Held The Moon’, we’ll get crafty with natural resources e.g. making models of animals from the story, creating transient nature art, painting with natural resources, making botanical ink, making woodland games with natural resources.
Exploring Nature
These sessions are designed to help children learn about the nature in your setting / school grounds.
Following a reading of ‘What The Oak Tree Sees’ and/or ‘The Tree That Held The Moon’, we’ll compare your setting with the wood in the books and talk about the similarities and differences. We’ll then do a nature survey of your grounds, including things like a bug hunt, identifying plants, finding trees at different life cycle stages, measuring the age and height of a tree on site.
Nature Adventure
These sessions are designed to inspire children to get active in nature.
Following an energetic interactive reading of ‘What The Oak Tree Sees’ we’ll try to recreate how the different animals move. We’ll do an animal track trail around the site and play some nature inspired games. We’ll slow down the pace with a reading of ‘The Tree That Held The Moon’ then go on a moon phases trail around the site.
Woodland Wellbeing
These sessions are designed to meet the needs of children that would benefit from a peaceful and gentle connection with nature. Activities can be tailored to different needs and ages, but would ideally take place outside with small groups of up to around 10 children. They’re intended to be slower paced to reduce stress and create a feeling of contentment, whilst equipping children with tools to develop a mindful connection with nature.
I’ll talk through the inspiration for ‘The Tree That Held The Moon’ before reading the story. We’ll explore the ways that nature can inspire our creativity, use our senses to connect with the nature around us, and create some transient nature art.
Story & Sketch Nature Trail
These sessions are ideal for settings that have a larger biodiverse area. Following an interactive reading of 'What The Oak Tree Sees' or 'The Tree That Held The Moon' we'll go on a tracking or tree trail. We'll have plenty of stops to observe, learn about and connect with the nature around us that will inspire some nature sketching. This session also works well as an introduction to nature journaling and there is an option for me to provide nature journals to use in the session and for children to take away.
A Guide for Schools Organising an Author Visit from The Society of Authors can be found here.
Festivals, visitor attractions and similar venues
Drop in storytelling and activities can work well for festivals and similar venues with large numbers of visitors. If you have a woodland setting, I recommend either a guided or self-guided story trail. Alternatively, I can do a series of pre-bookable sessions based on one of the above themes or a session tailored to your event. Please contact me to discuss your requirements.
Society of Authors Festival Appearances Guidance for Festival Organisers can be found here
Illustration Workshops
Ideal for older children and/or adults with an interest in nature illustration, these sessions involve discussing the books rather than an author reading. I'll share my approach to nature illustration and guide participants in creating their own botanical or nature illustrations using ink and watercolour. Participants/organisers can either provide their own art materials or I can source these. This will be an additional cost on top of my fees and will be available for participants to take away with them.
I offer discounted rates for schools and non-profit organisations: £140 for 1hr, £280 for half day, £420 full day. This includes all planning and prep time as well as materials, Commercial fees are £175 for 1hr, £350 for half day, £525 full day.
Visit fees are waived for schools that purchase books (minimum number of books depending on length of session, starting at 30 for a 1hr session). These books are yours to keep and use as you wish. Schools often use their Pupil Premium to purchase these books and distribute them to children as gifts, or place them into their library. Alternatively, these can be used as part of the set of books from which children will purchase a copy to keep on the day. Books are £9.
I ask you to circulate an email informing parents and carers of the possibility to purchase a book.
Home Ed groups, please contact me to discuss your session requirements and numbers so I can provide a cost per child. This will usually be a maximum of £10 per child but I will keep it as low as possible as I understand that you don't have access to any funding.
Plus travel and accommodation expenses if needed
Closing the disadvantage gap is incredibly important to me. National Literacy Trust research has shown that fewer economically disadvantaged children and young people are able to access the benefits that author visits can provide. If you do not have sufficient budget, and an author visit would benefit economically disadvantaged children, please do get in touch to discuss.
"Absolutely wonderful, the communication from beginning to end was wonderful, a true collaboration to get the best out of our experience for the children. Being world book day, the aim of the session was to raise awareness of the role of an author and illustrator, celebrate a love of books and embrace our shared enjoyment of nature and the outdoors. The session did exactly this - it was wonderful! My class were extremely excited to be learning outdoors and meeting an author, throughout Abbey's delivery was calm, composed and centred around the book and love of nature which motivated and engaged the children immensely. Our session which was all centred around exploring nature and creating stories was wonderful. The children developed a greater understanding of the process an illustrator takes alongside an author in creating a book. They learnt about the stages of a tree lifecycle and how to measure it's age. Best of all they had the opportunity to collaborate in groups to use their setting description work when writing their own part of the story. It is a truly beautiful book, such wonderful illustrations and a lovely story line. It is a great way to promote a love of nature and an importance to care for our environment. As we are learning space next term, it was also a fab link to phases of the moon. The activities were well resources and planned, the children were busy form start to finish and learnt a great deal. Absolutely wonderful session, I would highly recommend. It was the perfect addition to our World Book Day fun. My class have a greater interest in nature, plant lifecycles and capturing nature through sketching and drawing." Lauren Chapman, Assistant Head, Grange View C.E. First School.
"It was a lovely day.....your beautiful book and map were very real for us. Norham is surrounded by the things you write and paint about so to see them wrapped in a story was perfect." Gwen Cockett, Acting Head, Norham First School.
“We are thoroughly enjoying working with Abbey and seeing how her stories and workshops are resonating with local children." Wendy Elliott, CEO, Seven Stories.
"the sessions were fab! We had such wonderful feedback" Aimee Philipson, Interim Head of Comms & Marketing, Seven Stories.